Child care options that complement the MAPS preschool experience at Center for Learning {located at 15 Map Drive - Mankato}
ACES is a fun, educational + recreational child care program for school age children aligning with MAPS elementary schools.
MAPS Preschool - All of our high quality programming options offer age appropriate learning for children ages 3–5 years
Where It All Begins!
Exciting things are coming to the MAPS Preschool Program for the 2025-2026 school year!
MAPS preschool is a fee based program that offers high quality programming and age appropriate learning for 3 and 4 year old children. For more information, please visit our MAPS preschool website and review the program guide.
3 years old by September 1st
Preschool 3's (T/W/TH) 8:15 to 10:45 am at the Center for Learning or Eagle Lake Elementary
Preschools 3's (T/W/TH) 12:15 to 2:45 pm at the Center for Learning or Eagle Lake Elementary
Cost $185/month (there will be no transportation or extended care for MAPS 3's in 25-26)
4 years old by September 1st
Preschool 4's (M-F) 8 am to 2:30 pm at the Center for Learning
Cost $650/month includes breakfast and lunch
Preschool Plus (M-F) 7:30 am to 5:30 pm at the Center for Learning
(7:30 to 8 am early care, 8 am to 2:30 pm preschool, 2:30 to 5:30 pm late care)
Cost $1,000/month flat fee includes preschool, extended care, breakfast and lunch
There is a $25 non-refundable registration fee for an accepted application. You will not be charged a registration fee if the class is full.
NOTE: Students with an active special education IEP and a district paid placement in preschool should complete the district registration through infinite campus. This ELEYO application is not needed unless you are requesting Preschool Plus. Preschool Plus is not guaranteed.
January 29th Applications Open
February 28th Round 1 Application Selection and Notification
March - August Ongoing selection and notification
May Scholarship Applications available
July Scholarships Awarded
Please reach out to our office if you need this information translated or need support with registration.
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Mankato Area Public Schools Early Learning- 507-625-4620